BCF group is proud to announce that our online conference «Nurse Management and Perspectives on Nursing Leadership» will take place on Thursday, 21th of September 2021 at 15:00 CET on the BigMarker platform.
The aim of the conference is to create an international platform to exchange knowledge on nurse
management by bringing together expert speakers who explore the ways to overcome current issues
in the field. This is a great opportunityto meet others within nurse management to network and to learn
about the latest information in the field straight from forward-thinking nurse leaders.
The «Nurse Management and Perspectives on Nursing Leadership» online conference is designed
around key targets: learning, exchanging opinions, and networking enabled by live presentations
followed by dynamic questions & answers sessions as well as panel discussion with keynote speakers.
Key points
- Nursing Management
- Healthcare Retention
- Healthcare Workforce
- Nurse Recruitment
- Healthcare system
- Clinical Nursing
- Healthcare Management
- Healthcare Environment
Who should attend
Chief Nursing Officers (CNO), Chief Nursing Executives (CNE), Executive Medical Directors, Directors of Nursing, Nurse Supervisors, Nurse Coordinators, Chief Nurses, Nurse Managers, Nurse Leaders from:
- Medical Practice
- Hospital & Health Care
- Emergency Nursing
- Nursing Education
- Nurse Recruitment